Dropping Out of School PowerPoint
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
- Does not add information besides what is on slides. - Does not show interest in presentation - Can't understand the speaker - Volume is not appropriate (too loud/soft.)
- Adds little information besides what is on slides. - Shows little enthusiasm/interest. - Needs to speak a little clearer. - Needs to speak a little louder/softer.
- Adds some information besides what is on slides - Shows general interest in topic. - Speaks clearly most of the time. - Volume is adequate. - Rarely uses verbal fillers (not distracting)
- Adds great amount of information besides what is on slides. - Shows interest and enthusiasm. - Speaks with clear voice with appropriate volume.
Knowledge and Explanation of Content, Data and Charts
- Lacks a clear point. - No logical sequence of information - Limited understanding of topic - Not all accurate
- Vague in conveying point. - No sense of purpose - Information shows some understanding of topic.
- Logical progression of ideas. - Unnecessary length/detail
- Clear & concise - Logicalprogression of ideas - Accurate & complete
Writing Mechanics, Conventions, Grammar
- More than 5 errors exist in text - Spelling, punctuation, capitalization,usage, and grammar errors. are repetitive and distracting
- 3-5 errors exist in text
- Little or no editing required for spelling/grammar
- No spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors.
Eye Contact and Visual Presentation
- Little to no eye contact with audience - Relying on the screen for content - Stares at screen
- Eye contact is lacking and not with entire audience. - Is sometimes looking at screen
- Good eye contact with most of audience - Does not stare at screen
- Great eye contact with whole audience - Does not stare or read screen
Text Elements 7 words per line 7 blines per slide
- Text is extremely difficult to read - Inappropriate use of color bold,italic,underline, formatting - 7x7 rule not obeyed
- Font is often difficult to read - Bold, italics, or underlining is distracting or overused. - Some slides do not obey 7x7.
- Font is sometimes difficult or distracting to read - 7x7 Rules is followed.
- Easy-to-�read - Point size varies appropriately for headings and text - 7x7 Rule is followed (not too much text)

Teacher Comments:


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