Economy Presentations
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Information was not all relevant. Details were not emphasized or clear.
Information was somewhat relevant and complete. Some important details and facts were emphasized.
Information was relevant and complete. Important details and facts were emphasized.
Information was extremely relevant and complete. Important details and facts were clearly emphasized.
Information was not presented in a logical sequence. Presentation and display did not indicate an understanding of the subject matter.
Information was presented in a somewhat logical sequence. Presentation and display indicated some understanding of the subject matter.
Information was presented in a logical sequence. Presentation and display indicated an understanding of the subject matter.
Information was well-presented in a logical sequence. Presentation and display demonstrated an understanding of the subject matter.
Presentation Skills
Students were not engaged in presentation. Voices were unclear, and little eye contact was made. Students were unable to speak about topic without referring to notes.
Students were somewhat engaged in presentation. Voices were sometimes clear, and some eye contact was made. Students were occasionally able to speak about topic without referring to notes.
Students were engaged in presentation. Voices were clear and eye contact was made. Students were able to speak knowledgeably about topic while only occasionally referring to notes.
Students were actively engaged in presentation. Voices were clear and eye contact was consistent. Students were able to speak knowledgeably about topic without referring to notes.
Display Board
Board did not show thought or organization. Images and information were not relevant and did not enhance presentation.
Board showed some thought and organization. Images and information were somewhat relevant and enhanced presentation.
Board showed thought and organization. Images and information were relevant and enhanced presentation.
Board showed strong thought and organization. Images and information were closely relevant and enhanced presentation.
Handout contained very little relevant information and was poorly organized. Handout did not enhance presentation or provide relevant notes.
Handout contained some relevant information and was somewhat organized. Handout did support presentation in a minimal way, and provided some useful notes.
Handout contained relevant information and showed organization. Handout supported presentation and provided useful study notes.
Handout contained all relevant information and showed great organization. Handout strongly supported and enhanced presentation, and provided useful study notes.

Teacher Comments:


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