Employment Portfolio Assessment
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Formal Letter of Introduction and Detailed Table of Contents
Student does not have table of contents and does not have their name clearly identified nor do they have letter of introduction
Student has name identified clearly, formal letter of introduction with 5 or less errors and a complete table of contents in order
Student has name clearly identified, formal letter of introduction with 3 errors or less and complete table of contents in order
Student has name clearly identified, formal letter of introduction, with no errors and complete table of contents in order
Resume and letters of Reference
Student has incomplete and unformatted resume and no letter of reference
Student has a resume with no objective summary with grammatical errors and 1 letter of reference
Student has a complete resume with current trends with few grammatical errors and 1 letter of reference
Student has complete resume with current trends no grammatical errors and at least 3 letters of reference
Job application and Credentials
Application has missing information and major mistakes. Student does not have verification of training or qualifications
Application has visible and major mistakes. Student shows verification of at least 1 qualification or training
Application has no major mistakes but is not neat. Student shows verification of 2 or more qualification or training
Application is complete with no errors and neat. Student has verification for all qualifications and training
Computer and Writing Samples
Student provides one example of a writing with minimal errors and is career specific but does not provide a computer project sample
Student provides 1 writing sample with minimal errors and one computer project relevant to specific job interest
Student provides 2 or 3 writing samples with minimal errors and two computer project samples focusing on specific employment
Student provides 4 or more writing samples showing formal business format without errors and two computer projects detailing job specific interest without errors
Oral Presentation
Student provides a video script with opening and closing but shows little preparation or knowledge. Student does not present self professionally in dress or actions.
Student performs oral presentation with opening and closing but shows little preparation or cohesiveness but does have some knowledge. Student does not present self professionally in dress or actions.
Student performs oral presentation with opening and closing shows preparation and some knowledge but is not cohesive. Student presents self professionally in dress but not actions
Student performs oral presentation with opening and closing shows preparation and knowledge while being cohesive. Student presents self professionally in dress and actions

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