Entrepreneurship Project
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Two page, typed paper addressing the points laid out in project directions, due April 22nd.
Missed due date. Gives name and brief, sketchy, description of business. Not typed, poor quality.
Typed,simple description. Description is disorganized and sketchy. Many errors.
Typed, proper form. Describes business and provides thorough description of purpose of business. Includes most of required points. Some errors.
Typed, proper form.Describes business completely including location, geography, economy, government, culture, resources, and history. No errors.
Complete business plan. Typed on form using complete sentences, correct grammar, spelling and word usage.
Business plan is incomplete and/or late. Little effort put into this piece of the project.
Business plan is completed but with little effort. Incomplete sentences, points unclear, and many errors in the mechanics of writing which interfere with understanding.
Business plan is completed but is inconsistent in some parts. Reader has a general idea of what the business is all about but still has questions for the authors.
Business plan is typed, points are well explained and organized so that the reader has no questions after reading the plan. No errors in mechanics.
A. Create a prototype of your product. B. Demonstrate the service your business provides.
A. Prototype doesn't work, not well thought out. B. Demonstration of service is not believable nor effective for stated objectives.
A. Good attempt at creating a prototype but has trouble during presentation explaining it's purpose. B. Service seems believable but audience seems confused about how/when to use it.
A. Prototype is workable and well-made but audience have many questions about it's use. B. Service is believable but demonstration is confusing in parts.
A. Prototype is workable and provides audience with clear idea of product. B. Service is believable and demonstration is convincing.
Present Business Proposal to the class.
Presentation is disorganized and unclear. Audience have many questions. Presenters are not prepared and display/demonstration is of poor quality. Unequal participation of partners. Unconvincing.
Presentation is organized and can be followed by the audience. There is a lack of organization that does not interfere greatly with the overall presentation, but is distracting. Presenters work together in a haphazard manner, often conversing with each other. Many grammatical mistakes and ineffective display/demonstration. Somewhat convincing.
Presenters are prepared, displays are effective, product/demonstration clear. Presentation flat. Audience have questions but understand concepts. Convincing.
Presenter/s are clear and concise in the presentation. If partnering, both people share equally in the presentation. Presenters act and dress professionally, answering questions thoroughly and respectfully. Display board/Power Point/ demonstration are colorful, interesting,clear, and grammatically correct. Audience has few, if any questions. Very convincing.

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