Finance: Car Project
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
3 or more questions are incomplete.
2 questions are incomplete.
1 question is incomplete.
All questions are answered.
Organization and Neatness
No work is shown and answers are difficult to read.
Work is shown some of the time and most answers are legible.
Work is shown most of the time and answers are easy to read and comprehend.
Work is shown for all questions and answers are highly organized and easy to read/comprehend.
Critical Thinking and Communication
Communicates ideas and explanations with little effectiveness. Answers lack evidence of critical thinking.
Communicates ideas and explanations with some effectiveness. Answers demonstrate some critical thinking skills.
Communicates ideas and explanations with considerable effectiveness. Answers demonstrate considerable critical thinking skills
Communicates ideas and explanations with a high degree of effectiveness. All answers show a high degree of critical thinking.
Mathematical Calculations
Answers are incorrect and show little understanding of financial mathematics. Units are missing
Some answers are correct and show some understanding of financial mathematics. Units are present some of the time
Most answers are correct and show a considerable understanding of financial mathematics. Units are present and correct most of the time.
All questions are answered correctly and show a high degree of understanding of financial mathematics. Units are present and correct all of the time.
Work in class
Is off task for the majority of class and little is accomplished. Project is handed in late.
Is on task for some of the class requiring reminders to stay on task. Project is handed in on time.
Is on task for the majority of the class with few reminders. Project is handed in on time.
Uses class time very effectively and project is handed in on time.

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