Investment Project
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Numbers/Operations/Calculations: A-SSE(3) from CCSS
Calculation errors are found throughout the problems. OR Little or no evidence to support incorrect answers. OR Support: Response fulfills the requirements for a level 2, but the student received support without which the work would not be of a level 2 quality.
Calculations provided are correct, but are insufficient to arrive at, at least, the amount of yield produced by 3 sources of investment. OR Calculations are correct on some parts of the problem. OR Support: Response fulfills requirements of a level 3, but the student received support without which the work would not be of a level 3 quality.
Calculations are correct for the evidence provided in the student work. The evidence is sufficient to solve part of the solution. OR Minor errors are present that do not affect the final outcome/decision. OR Minor flaw consistently carried throughout. Support: The student received no support or minor support.
There is evidence of calculations from all required elements/questions and the calculations are accurate throughout.
Investment Recommendations: A-CED(3,4), F-IF(8), F-LE(4) from CCSS
An attempt was made to apply mathematical concepts, skills, properties, or relationships, but the concepts were applied incorrectly or not appropriately or were insufficient for solving the problem and do not lead to a complete solution. OR Support: Response fulfills the requirements of a Level 2, but the student received support without which the work would not be of a level 2 quality.
Calculations included could lead to a solution, but some elements are incorrectly applied and result in an incomplete or inaccurate solution. OR Support: Response fulfills requirements of a level 3, but the student received support without which the work would not be of a level 3 quality.
Calculations of all required investments are correctly done. Recommendation to customers is included. There may be minor errors in the solution. Support: The student received no support or minor support.
Meets the requirements of level 3 and includes recommendations for choices of investments for each scenario. Each choice is fully justified with correct calculations and explanations. Support: The student received no support.
Mathematical Communication: F-IF(8, 9) from CCSS
Mathematical terms or notation are used but they are inaccurate throughout the presentation, or common terms are used instead of mathematical terms. OR The presentation is not logical or there is little work or explanation. OR The application of grammar and conventions make it impossible to understand reasoning or solution path. OR Support: Response fulfills the requirements of a Level 2, but the student received support without which the work would not be of a level 2 quality.
Use of accurate and appropriate terms and notation is inconsistent, or some common terms are used instead of mathematical terms. OR Parts of the presentation are not logical. OR The application of grammar and conventions get in the way of understanding reasoning or solution path. OR Support: Response fulfills requirements of a Level 3, but the student received support without which the work would not be of a level 3 quality.
Presentation communicated: Using mathematical terms or notation that are accurately and appropriately applied (there may be some minor flaws). There is a logical representation. There is use of diagrams, tables, graphs, models, calculations, or text, where appropriate, but the reader may have to make the connections between them. Grammar and conventions do not get in the way of understanding the results of the solution. There may be some inconsistencies in the presentation. Support: The student received no support or minimal support.
Response includes the use of consistent, accurate, and appropriate symbolic or formal notation, and the text included enhances the understanding of the mathematics or logic used, while minimizing descriptions of procedures or calculations already evident in work. AND Includes additional aspects of strong mathematical communication such as: clear links between the different parts of the activity; accurate and appropriate use of more than one type of representation with a clear linkage between the representation and the text; clear link between equations or formulas and models, diagrams, or graphs and the text.

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