Leadership Workshop Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
No Preparation witnessed: Materials are not in order or missing, directions are not clear, students are idle and inattentive,students are confused, activity clearly not thought out
Little to Some Preparation Witnessed: Students are able to complete activity, some students are engaged, a few materials are out of order or missing, activity was partially thought out
Students are Well Prepared: All students are able to complete the activity, all students are engaged, materials are in place and directions are clear, activity is well thought out
Students are Extremely Well Prepared: The activity is carried out flawlessly. The activity flows smoothly, all members are on the same page, materials are readily available and directions are very clear, all members are actively engaged
No banner is visible
Banner is visible but sloppy, unoriginal, and irrelevant
Banner is relevant and attractive
Banner is relevant and extremely creative/ original
Facilitating Effectively
No activity at all, "host group" does not communicate with each other or cooperate, no facilitating among participants
Activity is not relevant or meaningful, host group does not communicate effectively, very little cooperation, participation is unequal, group does not facilitate directions and or appropriate criticism well
Activity is meaningful and relevant, host group communicates effectively, most members cooperate equally, group facilitates well giving accurate directions and appropriate criticism
Activity is extremely relevant and meaningful, all group members act cohesively, very effective communication, all members cooperate equally, group facilitates very well giving direct and meaningful instructions and constructive criticism when necessary
Clean Up
Student leaves early without notification, does not clean up
Student helps to clean up a little but mostly sits around and watches others
Student completes assigned clean up task. Rooms and materials are left as found
Student finishes his or her clean up task and then offers to help others complete their task, room and materials are left better than found
Goal Attainment
No students successfully complete the assigned product or activity. Time not managed effectively
Few students successfully complete the assigned product or activity.Time not managed effectively
Some students successfully complete the assigned product or activity. Time managed effectively for some groups
All students successfully complete the assigned product or activity. Time managed effectively for all groups

Teacher Comments:


This rubric is from www.TeacherJet.com