Over-treatment or Appropriate Treatment
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Is this a case of over-treatment by Dr. Knell, or is it a difference of opinion about appropriate alternative treatments?
Due to the lack of research in this area, dentists must make decisions based on their clinical training, experience, and judgment – more art than science.
A dentist's philosophy could range from, "I crown everything" to "if in doubt, prevent, wait, and reassess."
What seems to be lacking is the acknowledgment that uncertainty will always be a part of our clinical practice because our knowledge, materials, techniques, and abilities are imperfect, and the oral cavity is a hostile environment in a constant state of entropy.
"Trust by the public that serving their true dental needs with appropriate quality care is the heart of the patient-dentist relationship." In regards to our case, however, it is less clear as to how we define our patents' true dental needs.
How should the dentist providing the emergency care in this case respond to the patient's inquiry , and should the question of economic motive be discussed with Dr. Knell?
Don't concern yourself with this situation. Take care of the emergencies and don't worry about over treatment
Explain to the patient that you don't have all the diagnostic materials to make that judgment and can't answer the question
Explain to the patient that you don't have all the diagnostic materials to make that judgment and can't answer the question
When emergency patients request definitive treatment recommendations in the absence of adequate diagnostic information, the dentist is justified in treating the emergency and informing the primary dentist of the patient's comments.
What does the research tell us about this treatment decision?
"The dentist should consider the characteristics and requirements of each case in selecting the material(s) and technique(s) to be utilized."
Recommends that educators and policy makers, "support research to identify and eliminate unnecessary or inappropriate dental services,"
"support a research program that includes clinical research, evaluation and dissemination of new scientific and clinical findings, and research on outcomes, health services, and behavior related to oral health," and "extend its research program, when feasible, to the basic sciences and to the transformation of new scientific knowledge into clinically useful applications,"
that dental educators work with public and private organizations to "make use of scientific evidence, outcomes research, and formal consensus processes in devising practice guidelines

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