Persuasive Ad
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
I have included a few of the important elements of a persuasive text.
I have included some of the important elements of a persuasive text.
I have included all of the important elements of a persuasive texts.
I have included all elements of a persuasive text and organized my ideas in order.
My persuasive ad needs more information, or my ideas need to be presented in a clear way. My writing needs to be more descriptive and interesting for the reader.
My persuasive ad has some information, and explains my ideas in a clear way. My writing is somewhat descriptive and interesting for the reader.
My persuasive ad includes enough information, and explains my ideas in a clear way. My persuasive ad is descriptive and interesting for the reader.
My persuasive ad includes relevant information, and my ideas are explained in a clear concise way. My writing is descriptive and interesting for the reader.
My persuasive ad has many errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation.
My persuasive ad has some errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation.
My persuasive ad has correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.
My persuasive ad has correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. I have used all the elements of a persuasive ad.
My pictures/visuals are neat and accurate.
My pictures/visuals are somewhat neat and accurate.
My pictures/visuals are neat and accurate.
My pictures/visuals are very neat and detailed.

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