Portfolio Notebook Self-Rating Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Table of Contents lists all contents of portfolio with location. Easy-to-read and navigate.
Table of Contents not available
Table of Contents missing information and difficult for reader to follow.
Table of Contents difficult to follow.
Table of Contents includes all information. Easy to navigate and is aesthetically pleasing.
Professional Goals are related to the planning and professional growth of the student. Developmental activities are included and relate to areas of specialized practice.
Goals are not relevant to the specified areas of practice and lack measurement of growth in the field of occupational therapy.
Goals demonstrate some effort in professional development, but does not indicate ways to measure performance.
Goals demonstrate the use of critical thinking and provide the reader with measurable criteria in order to achieve.
Goals are well written, demonstrate critical thinking, are measurable and action oriented. Provides criteria and activities that determine whether the goal has been achieved.
Critical Thinking Flow charts are easy-to-follow, provide an abundance of information yet are not overwhelming in length, include the most relevant and important information as it applies to occupational therapy treatment.
Flow charts are irrelevant to the diagnosis and provide little to no information regarding OT treatment.
Flow charts are relevant to diagnosis, but more information is needed in determining most appropriate therapeutic interventions.
Flow charts are good for quick reference and should be used as an adjunct to other reference materials.
Flow charts are informative and provide quick reference information for the beginning therapist to utilize during therapeutic interventions.
Fieldwork information is labeled and organized for easy reference.
No fieldwork information is provided in portfolio.
Very little fieldwork information is provided. Information would not be very helpful to the OT student.
Fieldwork information is provided, but unorganized and hard to follow.
Fieldwork information suits the needs for a Level II student entering clinical rotations. Quick reference resources are available.

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