Professional Conflict
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
The student only briefly reflects on conflict resolutions using their reference. The student does a poor job of apply these concepts to a real life situation. The students lacks the content reflecting on what was done right and what was done wrong. The students paper lacks the content reflecting on professional conflict.
The student does a poor job of reflecting on key concepts identified within the literature related to conflict resolution. The student attempts to applying these concepts to a real life situation they have experienced. The students fails to identifying what they did right and what they could have done differently. The student only briefly reflects how professional conflict can occur in nursing and identify how they would handle it if put in the position of dealing with conflict.
The student reflects on key concepts identified within the literature related to conflict resolution. The student briefly discusses applying these concepts to a real life situation they have experienced, identifying what they did right and what they could have done differently. The student briefly reflects how professional conflict can occur in nursing and identify how they would handle it if put in the position of dealing with conflict.
The student reflects on key concepts identified within the literature related to conflict resolution. The student does a good job of applying these concepts to a real life situation they have experienced, identifying what they did right and what they could have done differently. The student thoroughly reflects how professional conflict can occur in nursing and identify how they would handle it if put in the position of dealing with conflict.
Concepts are poorly arranged making it difficult to follow the path of the writers idea. Reader has a hard time maintaining interest.
Concepts are arranged in logical order. Occasionally the writer loses track making it difficult for reader to understand key concepts.
Concepts are arranged in logical order. The reader has some trouble but is able to understand key concepts.
Concepts are arranged in logical order. Key concepts are easily understood through reading the paper.
Professional reference
Evidence did not come from a reputable source. The student chose a reference that was older than 5 years old. Concepts were not cited throughout the entire paper.
Compelling evidence from a reputable professional organization was chosen. The source used was published more than 5 years ago. The student rarely uses their reference as a way to tie key concepts together. Reference is often sited incorrectly.
Compelling evidence from a reputable professional organization was chosen. The source used was published in the last 5 years. The student only sometimes uses their reference to tie together key concepts. Concepts were only cited correctly some of the times.
Compelling evidence from a reputable professional organization was chosen. The source used was published in the last 5 years. The writer does a good job of using their reference to tie together key concepts. The reference is cited appropriately.
Grammar, spelling & writing mechanics.
There are so many errors in grammar & spelling throughout the entire paper interfering with the readers ability to understand the paper. Sentences do not make sense and the reader has a hard time following along with the sequencing of the paper.
There are many grammatical and spelling errors throughout the paper. The paper is difficult to understand due to poor sentence sequencing.
There are occasional grammatical and spelling errors. The errors do not interfere with the readers ability to understand the paper.
The paper is free of or almost free of grammatical & spelling errors. The reader is able to follow along with the students thoughts throughout the paper.

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