Restaurant Layout and Elevation View
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Neatness and Organization
Sloppy with little effort exhibited Spaces not well thought out Lack of coloring or shading Distracting errors or erase lines
Limited effort exhibited Spaces have some connection but flow and colors don't make sense Areas are colored but not neatly Some obvious errors
Neat and orderly with good use of space Neat drawing and coloring of items But lacks a unifying theme or color scheme Minimal errors
Very neat and orderly with efficient use of space Items drawn and colored in neatly Unifying them and colors create professional looking setting No errors
Creativity and Originality
No attention to detail and has a very basic design and elevation view Layout is illogical
Little attention to detail with no original ideas Layout is somewhat confusing
Includes some details but few original or unique ideas Space is laid out thoughtfully but little variety in materials used Sufficient but not overly interesting
Very detail oriented Many unique ideas incorporated Thoughtful layout of space and incorporation of various materials to create interest
Appeal to target customer and their needs
Space, layout, and decor are inappropriate for target customers and no needs are addressed
Some aspects of the space, layout, and decor are not suitable to the intended customer and their needs are not addressed
Most aspects of space, layout, decor, and overall atmosphere is suitable for the intended customer but needs are minimally addressed
Space, layout, decor, and overall atmosphere is suitable for the customer Target customer's needs are addressed with tailored and detailed solutions

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