Financial Literacy
Resume Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Format Structure Organization
The resume is not organized in an understandable manner and has most of the appropriate sub-headings such as objective, skills, and experience are missing.
The resume is organized in a somewhat understandable manner that includes some of the appropriate subheadings such as objective, skills, and experience.
The resume is organized in a mostly understandable manner that includes most required appropriate subheadings such as objective, skills, and experience.
The resume is organized in an understandable manner that includes appropriate subheadings such as objective, skills, and experience.
Spelling Grammar Punctuation
The resume has incorrect spelling and grammar; "I"� or "you"� appear frequently in the document; verb tense is inconsistent throughout the resume.
The resume has somewhat correct spelling and grammar; "I"� or "you"� appears at times in the document; verb tense is hardly consistent throughout the resume.
The resume has most words spelled correctly and grammar; "I"� or "you"� do appear very little in the document; verb tense is mostly consistent throughout the resume.
The resume has correct spelling and grammar; "I"� or "you"� do NOT appear in the document; verb tense is consistent throughout the resume.
Overall Appearance
The resume does not have a professional appearance; headings and lines are not aligned properly and anything that is bolded, italicized, or underlined is hardly done throughout the resume.
The resume has a semi- professional appearance; headings and lines are aligned properly and anything that is bolded, italicized, or underlined is somewhat consistently done throughout the resume
The resume has a professional appearance; headings and lines are aligned properly and anything that is bolded, italicized, or underlined is done throughout most of the resume.
The resume has a professional appearance; headings and lines are aligned properly and anything that is bolded, italicized, or underlined is done consistently throughout the resume.
The resume makes the reader not want to hire the student; communication is weak, positive skills, abilities, knowledge, and experience overall are not showcased.
The resume makes the reader somewhat want to hire the student; communicates somewhat strong, positive skills, abilities, knowledge, and experience overall.
The resume makes the reader consider hiring the student; communicates mostly strong, positive skills, abilities, knowledge, and experience overall.
The resume makes the reader want to hire the student; communicates strong, positive skills, abilities, knowledge, and experience overall.
Goal or Objective
The resume has an unclear objective that does not state its purpose.
The resume has a somewhat clear objective that states its purpose.
The resume has a mostly clear objective that states its purpose.
The resume has a crystal clear objective that states its purpose.

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