American Sign Language - Letters, Numbers, and Name
Name: ________________________ Date: ________________________

Title: ____________________________

Student will correctly sign letters A-Z
Using correct hand position, student correctly signs 0-10 letters
Using correct hand position, student correctly signs 11-19 letters
Using correct hand position, student correctly signs 20-25 letters
Using correct hand position, student correctly signs 26 letters
Students will correctly sign numbers 0-20
Using correct hand position, student signs numbers 0-14
Using correct hand position, student signs numbers 0-14
Using correct hand position, student signs numbers 0-19
Using correct hand position, student signs numbers 0-20
Students will correctly sign their full name
Using correct hand position, student will sign some of their first name with little or no flow of hand shapes
Using correct hand position, students will sign first name and last name with more ease of hand shapes
Using correct hand position, students will sign first and last name with little difficulty
Using correct hand position, student will sign first and last name with correct flow of letters and clear formation

Teacher Reflection :




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