A Wrinkle In Time Cover Project

Title: ____________________________

Cover includes a picture of an identifiable scene in the book.
The cover has a picture but it is not an identifiable scene from the book without excessive explanation from the student.
The cover has a picture related to the book but it is not of a scene of something that actually happens in the book.
The cover includes an identfiable scene in the book. It can be identified without explanation.
The cover includes a highly detailed and very easily identifiable scene from the book.
Student includes 3-4 sentences describing the book on the back of the cover. The sentences are written in the student's own words.
Student copies sentences from the book or only has 1 sentence decribing the book. Students sentences are incomplete.
Student has 2 sentences describing the book but they are basic or incomplete.
Student include 3-4 sentences describing the book in their own words. All sentences are complete thoughts.
Student includes 3 or more highly detailed sentences describing the book. The sentences are complete thoughts and well formed.
Writing on the book cover has proper spelling and grammar.
Book cover has multiple spelling and grammar mistakes (over 4). These mistakes make the writing hard to understand.
Book cover has 3-4 spelling or grammar mistakes. The writing is done quickly with little attention to detail.
Book cover has 1-2 spelling or grammar mistakes. These mistakes are simple and do not necessarily affect how the writing is understood.
Book cover has no spelling or grammar mistakes. The writing is done carefully with attention to detail.
Neatness and creativity. The book cover looks like it was done with effort and is neatly drawn, coloured, and completed.
The book cover is incomplete without all the required elements or it is messily drawn with little detail and colour. It looks like it was done in a hurry.
The book cover is complete and has all the required elements but it has little detail and some portions look messy or have little effort.
The book cover is complete, all elements are included and it is neatly drawn and coloured.
The book cover is complete with a high level of detail and time given to drawing and colouring. Lots of effort was put into completing this project.

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