Ballad Poetry
Name: ________________________ Teacher: ___________________

Title: ____________________________

There is no sequence and information is difficult to follow.
There is some sequence but the information is difficult to follow.
Information is presented in a logical sequence that the reader can follow.
Information is presented in a logical, interesting sequence that the reader can follow.
Student does not have a grasp of information.
Student is able to demonstrate basic concepts.
Student has content but fails to elaborate on the material.
Student demonstrates full knowledge of subject.
Ballad form: 4 line stanzas, consistent rhyme scheme, a plot with conclusion, and a refrain.
Student is missing three components of ballad form.
Student is missing two components of ballad form.
Student is missing one component of ballad form.
Student has all components of ballad form.
There is no dialogue incorporated in ballad.
There is one example of dialogue incorporated in ballad.
There are two examples of dialogue incorporated in ballad.
There are three or more examples of dialogue incorporated in ballad.
Grammar & Spelling
Work has four or more spelling errors and/or grammatical errors.
Work has three spelling errors and/or grammatical errors.
Work has no more than two spelling errors and/or grammatical errors.
Work has no spelling and/or grammatical errors.

Teacher Reflection :




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