Book File Rubric

Title: ____________________________

Bibliographic Information
Lacks accurate and complete bibliographic information for several(4 or 5) books.
Lacks accurate and complete bibliographic information for 2 or 3 books.
Bibliographic information is complete and accurate for all but one book.
Accurate and complete bibliographic information for all books.
Some ( 4 or 5) components have been omitted or are incomplete.
A few (2 or 3) components have been omitted or are incomplete.
Components are nearly all included and complete with no more then one omission.
All components are included and complete.
Written analysis lacks evidence of meaningful understanding.
Written analysis shows some understanding of books but lacks depth of understanding.
Written analysis conveys understanding solid understanding of most of the books in the set.
Written analysis demonstates insightful understanding of all books in the set.
Appearance and Organization
Lacks professional appearance. Also lacks logical organization and/or contains errors.
Less than professional appearance with either organization problems or errors.
Appearance is satisfactory. Organization is logical. Nearly error free.May be arranged for easier reading
Professional, neat, easily read, error free, logically organized.

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