Book Report Rubric
Name: ________________________ Teacher: ___________________

Title: ____________________________

Content includes the Title, Author, time and setting of the book.
Only one of the elements are included.
Only two elements are included.
Only three of the elements are included.
All elements are included.
Main character summary.
Character development is not included.
Not all main characters are included, or disucssion is limited.
Main characters are included, but discussion is not thorough or is missing critical elements.
All main characters are thoroughly discussed.
Story line summary.
Summary is disjointed and unclear.
Summary is missing critical elements.
Summary is not well organized but all critical elements are included.
Summary is well organized and includes all critial elements.
Was the book enjoyable? Why, why not.
No mention of preference for the book.
Mentioned wether the book was enjoyable of not, but no explanation for reasoning was included.
Preference for book was discussed and reasons given, but the reasons were not well thought out.
Preference for book was discussed and reasoining was sound and well developed.
No mention of recommendation made.
Recommendation was made wtih no reason why.
Recomemendation was made but reasoning was not solid.
Recommendation was made and reasoning was well thought out.

Teacher Reflection :




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