Book Reviews--Picture

Title: ____________________________

*student name *author's name *title of book *date review completed *MISSING 3 or more of the above
*student name *author's name *title of book *date review completed *MISSING 2 or more of the above
*student name *author's name *title of book *date review completed *MISSING 1 of the above
*student name *author's name *title of book *date review completed *all of the above included
Picture *emotion *colour *neatness
*emotion not identifiable *no colour *not neat
*emotion not really clear *some colour *neatness
*emotion somewhat identifiable *colour *neatness *decent quality
*emotion clear *colour *neatness *high quality
Additional Information
no identifiable clarity to picture
some information given, but in a vague format
reasonable addition of both picture and written information to back up picture emotion
clear backup from text and additional clearn picture to reinforce emotion of picture and reason for said emotion
Use of Language Throughout
*little if any sentence structure, proper use of grammar *numerous spelling errors *no flow of thoughts *no identifiable character development, plot, theme
*3 or more errors in sentence structure, grammar or spelling *flow of thoughts, character development, plot, theme identified fragmented
*one or two errors in sentence structure, grammar or spelling *reasonable flow of thoughts *good character development, plot, theme identified
*excellent sentence structure, grammar,spelling (no errors) *clear flow of thoughts as well as character development, plot, theme identified
Overall Impression
*no clear effort evident *quality of work not evident *not organized *not presented in an interesting format
*somewhat clear level of effort *quality of work somewhat identifable organized interesting
*reasonably clear effort with quality of work evident in the organization *reasonably interesting
*excellent quality work *well organized *very interesting* excellent evidence of clear effort

Teacher Reflection :




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