Name: ________________________ Teacher: Mrs. Batchelor

Title: ____________________________

Student will write the Title,Author and Illustrator presented on first page
Title only
Title and Author
Title, Author, Illustrator
Title, Author, Illustrator plus an added picture relating to the story.
Student will write a brief summary of the story in five complete sentences.
One or two sentences
three or four sentences
four to five sentences
five or more sentences
Student will describe the main characters giving details such as age, physical description and place in the story.
Name of character
Name of character, physical desription
Name of character, physical desription and place in the story.
Name of character, physical desription and place in the story. Added a picture of character.
Described problem/plot of the story with five sentences.
one or two sentences
three or four sentences
five sentences
five or more sentences
Describe the solution or climax of the story in five sentences.
one or two sentences
three or four sentences
five sentences
five or more sentences

Teacher Reflection :




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