Character Trait Map

Title: ____________________________

Guide was not followed.
Drawing followed guide but some sections were labeled incorrectly.
Drawing followed guide and most sections lableled correctly.
Drawing followed guide and all sections labeled correctly.
No examples from story were given.
Some examples from story were related to traits. Sentences were written with correct capitalization and punctuation.
Most examples from story were related to traits and sentences were correctly punctuated and capitalized.
All examples from story related to traits and all sentences were written with correct capitaliztion and punctuation.
Handwriting was not legible and many words were misspelled.
Handwriting was legible but many letters formed incorrectly. Some words misspelled.
Handwriting was legible but some letters formed incorrectly. Words were spelled correctly.
Handwriting was legible and all letters formed correctly. All words spelled correctly.
Traits did not apply to character.
Only one trait given applied to character.
Two traits given applied to character.
All tratis given applied to character.
Map was poorly drawn and no illustration included.
Map was drawn correctly and neatly but no illustration.
Map was drawn correctly and neatly and color was used and illustration drawn.
Map drawn correctly and neatly and use of color and illustration demonstrated creative and original thought.

Teacher Reflection :




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