Compare and Contrast Writing Rubric

Title: ____________________________

Includes a topic and closing sentence.
Topic/closing sentences are not included in paragraph.
Topic/closing sentences are included in one of the paragraphs, but not both.
Topic/closing sentences are included and support each other and match the question.
Topic/closing sentences are clearly stated and are written in an original format.
Use of transition words.
There is no use of transition words/phrases.
There is use of transition words/phrases. However, they are inappropriately used and do not flow.
There is consistent use of provided transition words/phrases throughout the paragraphs.
There is a consistent use of original transition words/phrases throughout the paragraphs.
Examples of similarites. (Compare)
The writing does not include any similarities between the two topics.
The writing includes one or two similarities between the topics.
The writing includes many (3+) similarities between the topics.
The writing includes many (3+) thoughtful/original similarities between the topics.
Examples of differences. (Contrast)
The writing does not include any differences between the two topics.
The writing includes one or two differences between the topics.
The writing includes many (3+) differences between the topics.
The writing includes many (3+) thoughtful/original differences between the topics.
Spelling/Punctuation & Sentence/Paragraph Structure
There are many errors in spelling/punctuation/sentence/paragraph structure.
There are some errors in spelling/punctuation/sentence/paragraph structure.
There are few errors in spelling/puctuation/sentence/paragraph structure.
There are no errors in spelling/punctuation/sentence/paragraph structure.

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