Descriptive Writing - Outline

Title: ____________________________

Topic Sentence
Exhibits no reflective thought on the subject; introduces the item, place or thing in a style that is uninteresting to the reader; uses weak verbs and sentence starters that do not enhance the detail and meaning of the writing; does not convey the main idea
Exhibits partial reflective thought on the subject; introduces the item, place or thing in a style that is uninteresting to the reader; uses ordinary verbs and sentence starters that do not enhance the detail and meaning of the writing; loosely conveys the main idea
Exhibits adequate reflective thought on the subject; introduces the item, place, or thing in a style that is moderately appealing to the reader; uses strong verbs and sentence starters but they do not enhance the meaning and detail of the writing; adequately conveys the main idea but does not express a personal and unique style or point of view
Exhibits exceptional reflective thought on the subject; introduces the item, place, or thing in a style that is incredibly appealing to the reader; uses strong verbs and sentence starters that enhances the meaning and detail of the writing; clearly and effectively conveys the main idea while expresses a personal and unique style or point of view
Body Sentences
Sentences do not adhere to the topic of the story and provide no detail; sentences contain weak verbs and poor sentence starters; sentences do flow in a logical sequence; sentences do not accurately describe item, event, or place
Sentences adhere loosely to the topic of the story and provide minimal detail; sentences contain ordinary verbs and sentence starters; sentences do flow in a logical sequence; sentences are related to the main idea but lack clarity and accurate description of the item, event, or place
Sentences adhere to the topic of the story providing a few satisfactory details; sentences contain a few strong verbs and average sentence starters; sentences flow in a logical sequence but are a bit choppy; sentences create a clear and accurate description of the item, event or place
Sentences adhere to the topic of the story; sentences elaborate on the main idea by providing excellent details; sentences make use of strong verbs and sentence starters that enhance the meaning and detail of the writing; sentences flow effortlessly and in logical sequence; sentences create a clear, accurate, and compelling description of the item, event or place; expresses a personal and unique style
Closing Sentence
Exhibits no reflective thought on the subject; concludes in a style that is uninteresting to the reader and does not relate back to the topic sentence; uses weak verbs and sentence starters that diminish the meaning and detail of the writing
Exhibits partial reflective thought on the subject; concludes in a style that is uninteresting to the reader; loosely relates the concluding sentence back to the topic sentence; uses ordinary verbs and sentence starters that do not enhance the detail and meaning of the writing
Exhibits adequate reflective thought on the subject; concludes in a style that is moderately appealing to the reader; relates the concluding sentence to some degree back to the topic sentence; uses strong verbs and sentence starters but they do not enhance the meaning and detail of the writing
Exhibits exceptional reflective thought on the subject; concludes in a style that is incredibly appealing to the reader; seamlessly relates the concluding sentence back to the topic sentence; uses strong verbs and sentence starters that enhances the meaning and detail of the writing

Teacher Reflection :




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