Elements of a Novel

Title: ____________________________

Student will identify and list the characters; students will also specifically identify the protagonist and the antagonist
characters listed incorrectly; protagonist and antagonist noted incorrectly
some of the characters are listed; protagaonist and antagonist as well
most of the characters are listed; protagonist and antagonist listed correctly
characters are listed; antagonist and protagonist identified correctly
Setting, Mood/Atmospher identified
not identified correctly
somewhat correctly identified, errors made and details missing
mostly identified correctly, some errors and some details missing
all identifed correctly, no errors or details missing
Plot, initial incident,and rising action identified
not identified correctly
somewhat correctly identified, errors made and details missing
mostly identified correctly, some errors and some details missing
all identifed correctly, no errors or details missing
conflict, climax, resolution, and denouement identified
not identifed at all
somewhat correctly identified, errors made and details missing
mostly identified correctly, some errors and some details missing
all identifed correctly, no errors or details missing
narrator, point of view
not identifed correctly
partially identifed
mostly identified
correctly identified

Teacher Reflection :




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