Information Paragraph
Name: ________________________ Teacher: ___________________

Title: ____________________________

Thinking: Use of processing skills
Gives one simple reason for each big idea. Includes few details and little information about own ideas.
Gives two simple reasons for each big idea. Includes some details and some information about own ideas.
Gives at least two complex reasons for each big idea. Includes considerable details and information about own ideas.
Gives at least three complex reasons for each big idea. Includes considerable interesting details and information about own ideas.
Communication: Expression and organization of ideas and information
Simple information paragraph format. Word choice is limited. Little or no sense of personal voice Limited sense of audience
Uses correct information paragraph format Word choice is fairly appropriate Some sense of personal voice Some sense of audience
Uses correct information paragraph format Word choice is appropriate, accurate and descriptive Considerable sense of personal voice Considerable sense of audience
Uses correct information paragraph format Word choice is appropriate, accurate, descriptive and powerful High degree of personal voice use Makes a conncection to reading audience
Application: Making connections within and between various contexts
1 or 2 connections made between the text and personal knowledge and the world outside the classroom
2 connections made between the text and personal knowledge and the world outside the classroom
3 connections made between the text and personal knowledge and the world outside the classroom
4 or more connections made between the text and personal knowledge and the world outside the classroom

Teacher Reflection :




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