Journal Writing - Grade 1

Title: ____________________________

Student is able to sound out unknown words to use in writing.
Needs extensive support to sound out unknown words. Consistently unable to apply this skill independently.
Needs some support to sound out unknown words. Can apply this skill independently after guidance.
Needs little support to sound out unknown words. Can usually apply this skill independently.
Consistently sounds out unknown words for writing. Rarely seeks support to apply this skill.
Student uses a variety of original ideas and word choices for journal writing.
Student consistently writes about the same topic or uses the same words for nearly every journal entry.
Student demonstrates some variety of ideas in journal entries. Can use different word choices with support.
Students usually uses a variety of original ideas for journal writing and takes some risks with word choice.
Student consistently uses a wide variety or original ideas for journal writing. Takes many successful risks with word choice.
Student completes journal entries with date, picture, and writing.
Student needs constant support and reminders to complete journal entries with date, picture, and writing.
Student consistently overlooks some elements of complete journal entries such as date, picture, or writing.
Student usually completes journal entries with date, picture, and writing. Needs few reminders.
Student consistently completes journal entries with date, picture, and writing independently.
Student uses proper letter formation, spacing, and directionality in writing.
Student needs teacher writing to follow proper letter formation, spacing, and directionality in writing. Unable to use these conventions independently.
Student needs frequent reminders about letter formation, spacing, and directionality in writing. Can use few conventions independently.
Student usually demonstrates proper letter formation, spacing, and directionality in writing. Needs guidance on few conventions.
Student consistently demonstrates proper letter formation, spacing, and directionality independently.
Student uses proper sentence format to write complete sentences with punctuation and capitalization.
Student needs teacher writing to use complete sentences with punctuation and capitalization. Writes only one or two words independently.
Student needs support to write in complete sentences with punctuation and capitalization. Does not yet demonstrate conventions of complete sentences independently.
Student usually writes in complete sentence format. May forget some conventions and need reminders about punctuation and capitalization.
Student consistently uses complete sentences in their writes. Needs little or no reminders about punctuation and capitalization.

Teacher Reflection :




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