Stratford High School
Letter to Your Congressman Rubric

Title: ____________________________

No attempt is made to follow the proper formatting for writing a letter.

Name, Date, Addresses are listed, but not in the correct format.

Name, Date, Addresses are listed and in the correct format.
Name, Date, Addresses are listed and in the correct format; Letter Opens with a formal greeting and closes with a proper sign off.
Introduction and Conclusion are not present.
Introduction and Conclusion are shown as 2 seperate paragraphs (seperate from body), but do not follow established purpose for writing in introduction and summary in conclusion.
Purpose for writing is clearly stated in introduction - topic to be discussed is clear and apparent to reader; Conclusion presents a clear summary of argument and proposes action.
Purpose for writing is clearly stated in introduction - Introduction HOOKS reader in with a personal story or experience - Conclusion presents a clear summary of letter, and closes with a STRONG proposal and call to action.
Body of Letter
Body of Letter is not divided into three paragraphs; organization of body does not follow content guidelines.
Body of Letter has 3 clear and distinct paragraphs but paragraphs do not follow content guidelines.
Body of Letter has 3 clear and distinct paragraphs that follow content guidelines; each paragraph has at least 1 argument and supporting facts/examples.
Body of Letter has 3 clear and distinct paragraphs that follow content guidelines; each paragraph has at least 2-3 clear and distinct arguments and supporting facts/example.
Clarity/Organization of Thought
Student is unable to express thoughts/arguments in writing an organized and clear manner.
Student is able to express throughts clearly in writing to the reader.
Student is able to express thoughts clearly in writing and has organized arguments in a logical manner.

Teacher Reflection :




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