Narrative Writing

Title: ____________________________

Subject is unclear, and has not written enough to demonstrate my skill at elaborating ideas.
Developed some major episodes with specific details, but some are not detailed enough.
Developed all major episodes with specific details, and good word choice.
Developed all major episodes with specific detail, word choice is sophisticated, and used dialogue.
Did not use chronological order, and did not write enough to demonstrate skill.
Wrote in chronological order with a beginning, middle, and end, but had some time gaps.
Wrote in chronological order with a beginning, middle, an end, and no time gaps. Paragraphs sometimes transition.
Wrote in chronological order with a beginning, middle, an end, and no time gaps. Paragraphs transition nicely.
Tried to write a narrative, but didn't stay on the subject, give enough details, or write in chronological order.
Narrative is simple, yet clear, and stayed on the subject, gave enough details, and used chronological order.
Wrote a developed narrative, but some parts are better than others. Also, stayed on the subject, gave enough details, and used chronological order.
Wrote a fully developed narrative, stayed on the subject, gave enough details, and used chronological order.
Grammar and Spelling
Work has five or more spelling and/or grammatical errors.
Work has four or more spelling and/or grammatical errors.
Work has no more than three spelling and/or grammatical errors.
Work has no more than two spelling and/or grammatical errors.
Standard (word count)
Student wrote less than 150 words.
Student wrote a 150-199word essay
Student wrote a 200-249 word essay.
Student wrote a 250 word essay.

Teacher Reflection :




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