Summary Writing Rubric
Name: ________________________ Teacher: ___________________

Title: ____________________________

1 or 2 events copied from the text
Partial summary; generally in own language; some important characters/events
Summary is clear and focused and in own language; some important characters/events
Summary in own language, with a high degree of clarity and focus; important characters' names
Important Information
Some of the information is incorrect
Includes some V.I.P.'s; V.I.P's used do not give a good understanding of what the text is about
Uses 3 V.I.P.'s that give a good understanding of what the text is about; includes good details
Uses more than 3 V.I.P.'s that give a good understanding of what the text is about; includes excellent detail about the text
No conjunctions
Uses few conjunctions, ineffectively. Few sentences flow smoothly.
Links sentences or phrases smoothly, uses conjunctions effectively.
Sentences/phrases flow very smoothly. Uses conjunctions with a high degree of effectiveness.
Topic Sentence
Topic Sentence unrelated Topic sentence copied
Simple topic sentence, somewhat or not specific
Clear and effective topic sentence. Topic sentence hooks the reader.
Clear and effective topic sentence with a high degree of effectiveness, with sophisticated language or text features.

Teacher Reflection :




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