1st Marking Period Project - Language Arts

Title: ____________________________

Sequence of information is difficult to follow.
Difficulty following story line because ideas are scattered.
Information is in a logical sequence which reader can follow.
Information in a logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow.
Work is sloppy in appearance.
Work is satisfactory in appearance.
Work is neat in appearance.
Work is impressive in appearance.
Story contains little of the required content. May or may not have a visual aid. May or may not have original story summary.
Story contains some of the required content. May or may not have a visual aid. May or may not have original story summary.
Story contains most of the required content, but not all. Has a visual aid. Has original story summary.
Story contains all required content. Has a visual aid. Has the original story summary.
Many errors in capitalization, spelling and grammar.
Noticeable errors in capitalization, spelling and grammar.
Some errors in capitalization, punctuation, spelling and grammar.
Few errors in capitalization, punctuation, spelling and grammar.
Work shows very little creativity. Ideas may appear borrowed or unoriginal.
Work shows little creativity.
Creativity present in work.
Extremely creative, original work.

Teacher Reflection :




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