
Title: ____________________________

Following Directions
Does not follow directions.
Follows directions with 2 or more reminders.
Follows directions with 1 reminder
Follows directions immediately.
Uses an appropriate tone and volume of voice.
Needs more than 4 reminders to use an appropriate tone and volume of voice throughout the school day.
Needs 2-3 reminders to use an appropriate tone and volume of voice throughout the school day
Needs 1 reminder to use an appropriate tone and volume of voice throughout the school day
Uses appropriate tone and volume of voice throughout the school day
Participates in classroom activities
Does not participate in classroom activities (noncompliant).
Participates with 2 or more reminders
Participates with 1 reminder
Participates in classroom activities independently
Does not share or play nicely with friends
Shares and plays nicely with friends with 2 or more reminders
Shares and plays nicely with friends with 1 reminder
Shares and plays nicely with friends without reminders

Teacher Reflection :




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