
Title: ____________________________

Less than 59% of the questions are answered completely and appropriately.
60% - 79% of the questions are answered completely and appropriately.
80% - 99% of the questions are answered completely and appropriately.
All questions are answered completely and appropriately.
Homework is complete and past two days late.
Homework is complete and 1 - 2 days late.
Homework is complete and up to one day late.
Homework is completed and turned in on time.
Few responses are legible, or the paper has 3 or more rips / tears, or 4 or more wrinkles, or 5 or more stray marks.
Some of the work is legible, or has 2 rips or tears, or 2 -3 wrinkles, or contains 3 -4 stray marks.
Most of the work is legible, or has 1 minor rip or tear, or 1 wrinkle, or contains 1-2 stray marks.
All work is completed legibly, with no rips or tears, no wrinkles, and the work contains no stray marks.
The homework is missing 3 or more missing, or incomplete, heading elements (student's full name, correct date, or student's homeroom number).
The homework contains some of the correct heading. Missing 2, or 2 incomplete, heading elements (student's full name, correct date, or student's homeroom number).
The homework contains most of the correct heading. Missing 1, or 1 incomplete, heading element (student's full name, correct date, or student's homeroom number).
The homework contains the correct heading (student's full name, correct date, and student's homeroom number).

Teacher Reflection :




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