Poster and Presentation
Name: ________________________ Date: ________________________

Title: ____________________________

Produced a detailed, bright, catchy and informative poster using images, bold text, correct information and facts.
Produced a satisfactory poster which could of had more information, color and images with the amount of time provided and people in each group.
Produced a poster which was of an acceptable standard, had all the right information on the poster but wasn't as detailed and neat as was expected.
Produced a poster which was of a very acceptable standard, had valid and useful information, including facts, images and bright and bold writing and headings.
Produced a poster which was well above an acceptable standard, showing a vast range of detailed information and images. Poster was very neat and was a standout.
Used time efficiently, therefore producing and presenting an acceptable poster and information, with clear and fluent talking, good interaction and good understanding of the topic. Good eye contact and body language.
Didn't use time as efficiently as possible, producing a satisfactory poster with standard information and basic knowledge of the topic. Oral presentation was acceptable but overall could of been better. No eye contact was shown and body language wasn't acceptable.
Used most time efficiently, producing an acceptable poster and oral presentation with general knowledge of the topic, poster was well received. Body language and eye contact was of a standard level.
Used time efficiently and produced a poster that was of an expected standard. Oral presentation was excellent with great fluency and eye contact. Information on the poster was interesting and very well received.
Used time very efficiently, therefore producing and presenting an extremely acceptable poster and oral presentation showing fantastic knowledge, eye contact and body language which stood out from the rest.
Creativity shown when making and presenting the poster.
Showed an acceptable level of creativity, using provided materials to make poster decorative.
Showed a good level of creativity when making poster. Used materials efficiently which meant producing a bright poster.
Showed a very acceptable level of creativity. Used materials and images on poster to make in gain attention as well as using visual props.
Showed a brilliant level of creativity which was evident when making and presenting the poster. Used color and different provided materials to make poster to the best of their ability.
Showed a general knowledge and understanding of the topic and proved this through their answers to the questions.
Answered most of the questions correctly but answers were very simple and didn't include full sentences.
Answered all of the provided questions at an acceptable level; began to answer questions in full sentences.
Answered the questions very well and provided the answers in full and detailed sentences, using the information provided and additional researched information.
Answered the questions outstandingly, showing a general knowledge well above the expected level for this topic.
Showed a good understanding of the topic and sourcing and using the information correctly.
Showed a standard and satisfactory understanding. Referred to information which was relevant but didn't provide enough detail and depth.
Showed an acceptable standard of understanding the topic. Referenced the correct information which was then used correctly when presenting.
Showed a great understanding of the topic which was evident when presenting poster and also giving oral presentation. Referenced correct and relevant information which was shown in poster.
Showed an understanding of the topic well above the expected level. Referenced correct information which was very relevant and well related to the topic.

Teacher Reflection :




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