Cross County
Archery Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Student rarely applies the 5 main safety rules and safety protocol on the archery range without hesitation and with no observable errors.
Student sometimes applies the 5 main safety rules and safety protocol on the archery range without hesitation and with no observable errors.
Student usually applies the 5 main safety rules and safety protocol on the archery range without hesitation and with no observable errors.
Student always applies the 5 main safety rules and safety protocol on the archery range without hesitation and with no observable errors.
Rarely demonstrates the 11 steps of shooting and applies adjustment to skill technique on the basis of previous results (adjusting aiming point).
Sometimes demonstrates the 11 steps of shooting and applies adjustment to skill technique on the basis of previous results (adjusting aiming point).
Usually demonstrates the 11 steps of shooting and applies adjustment to skill technique on the basis of previous results (adjusting aiming point).
Consistently demonstrates the 11 steps of shooting and applies adjustment to skill technique on the basis of previous results (adjusting aiming point).
Student lacks self-control, does not participate safely and does not respect the positive and safe experience for others.
Student sometimes participates safely and at times lacks the self-control and respect for the positive and safe experience for others.
Student usually participates safely and demonstrates appropriate behavior.
Student always participates safely and demonstrates appropriate behavior (cooperating with others, ensuring partner's safety by not distracting partner while shooting, encouraging partner, managing archery equipment on the range - removing arrows from the target).
Student rarely hits the target during each round. Has scored an end of 5 arrows: 0 - 15
Student is unable to consistently hit the target each round. Has scored an end of 5 arrows: 16 - 29
Student usually hits the target. Has scored an end of 5 arrows: 30 - 39
Student is able to consistently hit the target. Has scored an end of 5 arrows: 40 - 50

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