Adapted Physical Education
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Perceptual Motor Skills: Body-Eye Coordination
Unable to hold balance w/out assistance. Cannot hold object w/out dropping.
Able to maintain balance with assistance. Can hold objects for a few seconds before dropping.
Sporadically demonstrates balance and object manipulation at a developmentally appropriate level
Demonstrates balance and object manipulation on a developmentally appropriate level consistently.
Gross Motor: Locomotor-Jumping
Unable to jump and land in place
Sometimes swings arms, springs from feet, and makes soft landings
Consistently jumps and lands using a combination of one and two foot takeoffs and landings
Jump and land for height/distance using mature form in a "game situation"
Perceptual Motor: Eye-Hand Coordination Catching
Shows avoidance reaction. Will not make any attempt to catch the ball.
Sometimes watches the object. Tries to reach and pull the object in.
Can catch a variety of different objects at different levels with a partner.
Can transfer catching skills to a "game situation".
Perceptual Motor: Eye-Foot Coordination Kicking
No body movement Leg dominated.
Moves toward a stationary ball Makes contact with dominate foot sometimes.
Can demonstrate a variety of kicks (stationary, moving ball, punting) Follows through toward target.
Can transfer kicking skills to a "game situation"
Gross Motor Skills: Locomotor Skills
Unable to perform locomotor movements in a developmentally appropriate form.
Sometimes can walk, jog, skip,jump,gallop, and slide in a developmentally appropriate form.
Can walk, jog, skip, jump, gallop,and slide in a developmentally appropriate form consistently.
Is able to apply locomotor skills in game-like situation.

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