Green Fee Proposal
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Grant application
Application complete, stated objective not well documented or explained. Benefits to UAA community not included or poorly illustrated. Budget included but not justified or detailed, additional sources not included.
Application complete, stated objective clear, but not well documented, or benefits to UAA community missing or unclear. Budget included, but missing either either justification or documentation.
Application complete, stated objective clear and documented benefits to UAA community illustrated. Budget included, with some expenditure justification and documentation.
Application complete, stated objectives clear, including illustrated benefits to UAA community. Budget included, with expenditure justification and detailed documentation.
Project abstract
Project summarized, but unclear,poorly worded, or lacking all details. No explanation of UAA community benefit.
Project clearly summarized, lacking some details. An attempt to explain UAA community benefit included, but not clear or complete.
Project clearly summarized, most details included. Benefits to UAA community explained.
Project clearly summarized, including benefit to UAA community. Well written with few or no errors
Project details
Lacking or poor explanation of more than one of the stated objectives of project idea, research conducted, previous projects, extensive planning grid, and funding information.
Lacking or poor explanation of one of the stated objectives of project idea, research conducted, previous projects, extensive planning grid, and funding information. All other areas completed.
All stated objectives of project idea, research conducted, previous projects, extensive planning grid, and funding information, included. Mostly clear, concise, and well written.
All stated objectives of project idea, research conducted, previous projects, extensive planning grid, and funding information, included. Clear, concise, and well written.
Budget included, few or no details regarding expenditures or justification. No documentation to support costs included.
Budget included, some details regarding expenditures or justification, but they are not extensive. Some documentation to support costs included, but not complete.
Budget included, with details regarding expenditures and justification. Most documentation to support costs included, but not all.
Budget included, with extensive details regarding expenditures and justification. All documentation to support costs included.
Projected timeline
Beginning and ending dates included.
Beginning and ending dates included. Anticipated dates for additional funding addressed.
Beginning and ending dates included. Anticipated dates for additional funding included and explained. Possible time conflicts/issues addressed.
Beginning and ending dates included. Anticipated dates for additional funding included and explained. Possible time conflicts/issues addressed, as well as strategy for dealing with them.

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