Gymnastics Equipment Performance
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Includes individual and group balances in their routine in the 3 stations.
Does not hold balances. Only uses 1-2 balances and only at 1 station. Only used individual or only group balances.
Holds balances for 1-2 seconds. Uses both individual and group balances. Uses balances at only 1-2 stations.
Holds balances for 3 seconds. Uses both individual and group balances. Uses the balances at all stations in their movement sequences.
Holds balances for 3 seconds. Uses both individual and group balances. Uses the balances at all stations in their movement sequences. Includes matching and contrasting balances.
Includes tumbles in movement sequences at all three stations.
Does not attempt to include any tumbles in their performance.
Includes tumbles at 1-2 stations. Is in limited body control during the tumbles.
Includes tumbles at all 3 stations in their movement sequences. Uses the proper safety moves.
Includes tumbles at all 3 stations in their movement sequences and includes matching and contrasting tumble moves. Uses the proper safety moves.
Movement Sequences flow together with soft feet and controlled holds and balances.
Performance does not include movement sequences, it is very choppy with random moves.
Movement sequences contain some flow, but for the most part the moves are choppy. The student has loud feet.
Movement sequences flow together nicely and have controlled balances and tumbles incorporated into them. Student is working at having soft feet.
Movement sequences flow together nicely and have controlled balances and tumbles incorporated into them. Students have included props in their movement sequences (ribbons, hula hoops, bean bags, or hurdles). Students are very quiet and gentle on their feet.
Performances account for the various skill levels within the group.
Students all are doing the same moves. There is no variety. Some students seem uncomfortable with the challenging of the moves. Some students are not challenged enough.
The performances contain moves for various levels, but do not flow together as a group. Starting to show moves appropriate to the students skill and comfort level.
Performances have been created to show group movements that include moves that all members are capable of.
Performances have been created to show group movements that include moves that all members are capable of as well as personal individually challenging moves to showcase skill level.
Group Cohesiveness
The group did not work together well.
The group had some challenges but worked them out.
The group worked together to contribute ideas.
The groups worked together to contribute ideas and supported each other by encouraging and helping them complete some moves.

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