HPE- Personal Fitness Plan
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Little effort of thought was used to complete. Goals are unoriginal and perhaps copied form another student or source.
Effort is apparent, but understanding of what constitutes fitness or wellness was lacking.
Goals demonstrate a variety of fitness or wellness concepts where improvement is desired.
Student has demonstrated not only an understanding of several concepts of wellness, but has put some thought into each one, giving details that answer questions such as how much? or how high? or how fast.
Goals listed are very poorly thought-out, as evidenced by shot, one-or two-word responses.
Some goals are personal while others show a lack of thought and reflection.
Goals describe not only the specific fitness or wellness attribute that is desired to do better in, but give specific information on how to do better.
Goals are highly specific to the individual reflected by the presence of details that expand the goals away from simple, on-word statements such as "better".
Little to no effort was made in the selection of activities. Short, non-detailed responses are the norm.
Activities are not appropriate for their identified goals. Activities will not inherently accomplish desired objectives.
Activities chosen adequately address the needs identified in the goals.
Activities are highly original and appropriate to the goals they strive to meet.
Student failed to make an effort to detail out the frequency or duration of the majority of the activities.
The frequency or duration for some activities is not understood or incomplete. It is also lacking in appropriateness.
The frequency and duration of the activities is appropriate to the activity and adequate for accomplishing its task.
Frequency and duration are well thought-out, showing an understanding of the needs of personal fitness as well as the needs of the activity.
Very little effort was done. Student offered on self-reflection to the goals of this assignment. Major portions of the plan are incomplete or missing entirely.
Plan was lacking in a few areas, leaving a good starting point, but incomplete.
Plan was completed in whole. Everyday has been assigned a task with specific duration indicated.
Plan shows a great deal of introspection and thought. Student took this project seriously and it shows. Plan, as a whole, is very well done and appropriate for the resources and locations available.

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