Individual FIT plan
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
The individual FIT plan has the required amount of exercise frequency.
The individual FIT plan has 1 to 2 times per week.
The individual FIT plan has 2 to 3 times per week.
The individual FIT plan has 5 to 7 times per week.
The individual FIT plan has a minimum of 7 or more times a week.
The individual FIT plan includes exercises with an intensity level designed to reach the individuals working heart rate.
The intensity level of the exercises is not identified as moderate intensity or vigorous intensity.
The intensity level of some exercises is identified as moderate intensity or vigorous intensity.
The intensity level of every exercise is identified as moderate intensity or vigorous intensity and is designed to meet the individual's working heart rate.
The individual FIT plan includes the required amount of time per day for .
The individual FIT plan contains less than 30 minutes of exercise daily but does not contain both aerobic and strength training exercises.
The individual FIT plan contains less than 30 minutes of exercise daily with half the time for aerobic exercises and the remaining time on strength training exercises.
The individual FIT plan contains 30 to 60 minutes of exercise daily with half the time for aerobic exercises and the remaining time on strength training exercises.
The individual FIT plan contains more than 60 minutes of exercise daily with 30 or more minutes of aerobic exercises and 30 or more minutes of strength training exercises.

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