Intermediate Skipping Performance
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Skipping Performance Plan
Performance routine contains less than 4 skipping tricks (7/8), less than 3 skipping tricks (4/5). The routine contains less than 16 beats (7/8), less than 12 beats (4/5).
Performance routine contains 4 skipping tricks (7//8), 3 skipping tricks (4/5). The routine contains 16-23 beats (7/8), 12-15 beats (4/5).
Performance routine contains 6 skipping tricks (7/8), 4 skipping tricks (4/5). The routine contains 24-29 beats (7/8), 16-23 beats (4/5).
Performance routine contains 6 skipping tricks (7/8), 4 skipping tricks (4/5). The routine contains at least 30 beats (7/8), 24 beats (4/5).
Performing the Plan
Student is unable to perform the elements as planned. There are significant errors or confusion, some elements may be missed.
Student attempts to follow plan. There may be a change in the order of the elements, but all elements of the plan are performed. The repetitions may not be the same.
Student performs the plan as written, but may have a minor error. There may be an error in one of the repetitions.
Student performs the plan as written through both repetitions.
Maintaining a Steady Beat
Student is unable to maintain a steady beat throughout the performance and hesitates or stops several times.
Student experiences difficulty maintaining a steady beat throughout the performance. Student hesitates or does not proceed smoothly between elements.
Student is able to maintain a steady beat throughout most of the performance. There may be a minor hesitation between some elements.
Student is able to maintain a steady beat throughout the performance.
Student is unable to complete 2 repetitions of the sequence due to confusion or lack of skill.
Student completes 2 repetitions of the sequence, but there is some confusion or lack of clarity.
Student completes 2 repetitions of sequence.
Student clearly completes 2 repetitions of sequence.
Performance Elements
Student is unable to performed planned tricks correctly.
Many skipping tricks are correctly performed.
Most skipping tricks are correctly performed.
All skipping tricks are correctly and skillfully performed.

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