Kicking a Ball
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Stepping with the opposite kicking foot before making contact with the ball while maintaining balance
0 Points -student does not make an attempt to step with opposite kicking foot before making contact with the ball -student is not balanced
1 Point -student makes contact with the ball but keeps both feet in the same -student is not balanced
2 Points -student steps with opposite kicking foot before making contact with the ball but is semi balanced
3 Points -student steps with the opposite foot before making contact with the ball and is balanced while doing so
Keeping eyes on the ball through out the entire kicking motion while maintaining balance
0 Points -student does not keep eyes on the ball and does not make contact with the ball -student is not balanced
1 Point -student keeps their eyes on the ball for some of the motion through out the entire kick -student is not balanced
2 Points -student keeps their eyes on the ball through out the entire kick but is semi balanced
3 Points -student keeps their eyes on the ball through out the entire kick and is balanced
Bring kicking leg back waist high before making contact with the ball while maintaining balance
0 Points -student does not attempt to bring their kicking leg back before making contact with the ball -student is not balanced
1 Point -student brings back their kicking leg less than waist high before making contact with the ball --student is not balanced
2 Points -student brings back their kicking waist high before making contact with the ball but is semi balanced
3 Points -students brings back their kicking leg waist high before making contact with the ball and is balanced
Follow through with kicking leg after making contact with the ball while maintaining balance
0 Points -student does not attempt to follow through with kicking leg and does not make contact with the ball -student is not balanced
1 Point -student makes contact with the ball and follows through very little with the kicking leg -student is not balanced
2 Points -student makes contact with the ball and follow through with the kicking leg well and is semi balanced
3 Points -student makes contact with ball and follows through with the kicking leg with good balance
Aiming the ball while maintaining balance
0 Points -student does not attempt to aim the ball -student is not balanced
1 Point -student attempts to aim the ball but the ball does not go where aimed -student is not balanced
2 Points -student aims the ball properly and the ball goes to the intended target -student is semi balanced
3 Points -student aims the ball properly and the ball goes to the intended target while remaining balanced

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