Mini Golf
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Students developed a themed miniature golf Center. Project lists Title Page and has a Cover for their portfolio.
Missing two or more things: cover, title page, no theme, names of students
Missing a theme, the cover, or name of the project, No students' names listed. Looks like the students rushed cover.
Has a theme, neatly decorates the cover, states the name of the project and students' name.
Has a theme for project, Neatly and creatively decorates the cover, states the Name of the project and students' name.
Students lists Table of Contents and the project flows in that order.
Has no Table of Contents and project is not organized.
Lists the holes' names and total cost sheet and order of project follows does not follow the order of table of contents.
Lists all the holes' names and total cost sheet and order of project follows does not follow the order of table of contents or does not have the total cost sheet listed.
Neatly lists all the holes' names and cost sheet and order of project follows the order of the table of contents.
Students must create a blueprint of eight holes and calculate the total and area and perimeter of each whole. Students must have a scale for the project of each hole.
Blueprints of each hole are completed with the mistakes finding the area and perimeter for holes and a scale for the project is listed.
Blueprints of each hole are neatly completed with the few mistakes on area and perimeter for each hole and or the scale for the project is not listed anywhere in project.
All blueprints of each hole are completed with the correct area and perimeter for each hole and a scale for the project is listed.
All blueprints of each hole are neatly and creatively completed with the correct area and perimeter for each hole and a scale for the project is listed and project makes sense.
Students must list all supplies needed for the project, the amount of that material they need and the cost of that material.
Students are missing supplies needed for the project, the amount of that material or they the cost of that material.
Students made several mistakes listing supplies needed for the project, the amount of that material or cost of that material.
Students made few mistakes listing supplies needed for the project, the amount of that material, or the cost of material.
Students correctly list all supplies needed for the project, the amount of that material they need and the cost of that material.
Students completed a total cost analysis sheet with total area of each whole and Cost of project.
Students did not complete a total cost analysis sheet with total area of each whole and cost of project.
Students completed a total cost analysis sheet with several mistakes on total area of each whole and cost of project.
Students made few mistakes on total cost analysis sheet with total area of each whole and cost of project.
Students correctly calculated a total cost analysis sheet with total area of each whole and cost of project.

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