Module 5 Assignment - Field Hockey
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
How to push the ball
Hold your stick with both hands as V-grip near the middle of your stick with your left hand closer to the top. Stand with your front foot and shoulders facing your target.
Have your stick on the ball behind your back foot. Have your weight on your back foot.
Now bring your stick with the ball forward shifting your weight from your back foot, to your front foot.
Finally, follow through with your stick. After pushing, follow with pointing your stick at the target. Remember to always keep your eye on the target when you're pushing the ball.
How to hit the ball
Place both of your hand together at the top of your stick in the double V-grip with your left foot pointed to the target.
The ball should be in line with your front foot. Bend your knees, get low, but keep your back straight. When you step forward with your left foot, remember to bend your right knee.
When you step forward, bring your stick back and cock your wrists. Make sure bring your stick not higher than your shoulder.
Swing the stick across your body and follow through the ball. Shift your weight from your back foot, to your front foot. Remember with hitting, keep your eye on the ball.
How to flattop the ball
Place your hands in the regular V-grip, and put your body inline with the ball. Get low by bending your knees.
Put your stick parallel to the ground but make sure your lower half of your stick is touching the ground.
Let your stick and the ball hit. Make sure the ball hits the flat side of your stick either on the bottom of your stick, or on the shaft.
Gain control of the ball. Angle your stick back upright and continue playing.
How to dribble
Hold the stick in basic V-grip. Hold the stick infront of your body to the right.
Make sure the ball is almost always in contact with your stick when you're dribbling.
Run forward with ball on your stick. Make sure not to push the ball to far infront of you while you're dribbling.
Keep your head up while you're dribbling to see if someone is going to come tackle you, or if you have passing options.
How to Indian dribble the ball
Hold your stick in the basic V-grip while standing perpendicular to your target.
Bring your stick far back near your back foot. Get super low by bending your knees. Make sure the shaft of your stick is horizontal to the ground (practically on the ground).
Sweep your stick from your back foot to your front foot with the ball on the shaft. While sweeping your stick, turn your hips and shoulders toward the target.
Shift your weight from your back foot, to your front foot. Follow through by pointing your stick to the target.

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