PE Superfit
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Class Preparation including full gym strip, arriving to class on time with a workout plan to accomplish during the class. Consistently late for class with improper gym strip and with no clear plan to accomplish a goal.
Rarely comes to class prepared on time, with full gym strip and with a plan of action.
Sometimes/Occasionally prepared in full gym strip, sometimes arriving on to class on time and sometimes having a plan of action to accomplish.
Most often prepared in full gym strip and arriving to class most often on time with a plan of what is going to be accomplished.
Always prepared in full gym strip; and arriving to class on time with a plan of what is going to be accomplished in class.
Execution of Workout Plan
Unable to carry out workout plan. Not engaged.
Execute workout plan for 1/2 class. Somewhat engaged.
Execute workout plan for 3/4 of the hour. Almost always engaged short term.
Always execute workout plan for the full hour to the best of your ability.
Active Living (Level of Fitness Participation)
Avoids participation and shows no desire to improve fitness level.
Shows effort only when encouraged and makes little effort to improve fitness level.
Shows 100% effort most of the time and usually strives to improve fitness level.
Shows 100% effort 100% of the time and always strives to improve fitness.
Rarely self-motivated and needs regular reminders to stay on task.
Self-motivated at times and often needs reminders to stay on task.
Generally self-motivated and rarely needs reminders to stay on task.
Persistently motivated and never needs reminders to stay on task.

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