Push-ups & Curl-ups
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
90 Degree push-up
Student's hands are too close together or too far apart. Students are unable to make their body straight in the "hands and toes" starting position. Students are unable to lower and raise their shoulders.
Students are able to position themselves correctly in the in the "hands and toes" starting position. They keep their bodies off the floor in the down position, but they are unable to lower their shoulders so their arms are at the 90 degree angle.
Students are very close to getting their arms in the 90 degree angle during the "down" position. Only their hands and feet are touching the floor. Their problem may be that their hands are positioned either too close together or too far apart. Their feet may be too far apart.
Hands are under shoulders but a bit wider. Feet are close together but not touching. Body is straight. In the down position, the body is held off the ground and the arms are at a 90 degree angle.
Students are unable to position themselves correctly. Their feet may be too close to their bodies or not flat on the floor. Their arms aren't crossed over their chests. Fingers aren't touching shoulders. Hands maybe behind the head. On the "up" position they fail to lift both their head and shoulders off the floor. On the "down" position their head doesn't touch the floor.
Students have a definite positioning mistake - their arms are not crossed over their chests and/or their feet are too close/far from their bodies. Their reps are not smooth and slow - they are done quickly, without a pause in the "up" position, resulting in less abdominal engagement.
Students are able to smoothly and slowly lift their heads and shoulders off the floor, pause while looking at their knees, and their heads rest on the floor at the end of the "down" motion. Students may have some positioning mistake such as arms crossed over the abdomens (instead of chests) or their feet are too close to their bodies. Feet may not be flat on the floor.
Students are positioned correctly - their knees are up, feet are flat on the floor, pushed out as far as possible. Arms are crossed over their chests, fingers touching their shoulders. On the "up" position students lift their heads and shoulders off the floor and pause briefly as they look at their knees. On the "down" position their heads return to the floor. Both up and down motions are slow and smooth for maximum engagement of abdominal muscles.

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