Skills of Epee Fencing: For Beginners
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
En Garde Position -feet are shoulder-width apart -feet are perpendicular to each other with the leading foot straight and the back foot sideways -knees slightly bent in an athletic stance -wrist slightly bent with proper grip and loose for control of blade -blade is wire-side up, poised and ready at target -posture shows no slouching -arms are in correct positions: blade arm is bent at about a 45 degree angle and the back arm with isn't holding the blade is behind, in a rudder position or on the side of the body
The student shows extremely poor en garde position or makes no attempt to properly execute the stance. -feet are not shoulder-width apart -feet are not in proper order and are not perpendicular whatsoever -knees are not bent or bent too much -wrist is either too rigid or too loose, and grip is improper -blade is not wire-side up or is inconsistent with position -posture may show slouching or awkwardness -arms are not in proper positions or may look awkward and incorrect
The student shows developing en garde position but still makes quite a few crucial mistakes. -feet are not shoulder-width apart at times -feet are sometimes perpendicular but footwork is sloppy and inconsistent -knees are slightly bent but may lose form very easily -wrist is bent but may be too light or hard-pressed at times -the blade is wire-side up sometimes, but may turn or become inadequate -posture is okay-looking -arms are sometimes in proper position but may exhibit too much of a bend or may be in wrong positions at times
The student shows a strong and good en garde position with few mistakes. -feet are almost always shoulder-width apart -feet are almost always perpendicular with little wavering in position -knees slightly bent with proper stance -wrist is slightly bent and loose enough for control but may occasionally grip too softly or too hard -posture is good-looking -arms are in proper positions showing almost no incorrect aspects; blade arm may bend too much or too little sometimes
The student shows an excellent en garde position and rarely makes mistakes. If mistakes are made they are recognized immediately and corrected. -feet are always shoulder-width apart -feet are always perpendicular and exhibit great athletic stance -knees are slightly bent showing beautiful athletic stance -wrist is slightly bent with masterful sword grip and the student shows control -blade is always wire-side up and only turns slightly if ever -posture is excellent, shoulders are back and the body is alert -arms are always in correct position; blade arm is always bent properly and back arm is never improperly placed
Lunge -proper footwork, the feet are always like they are in en garde position -arm is straight out before the lunge, and the student exhibits full reach -steady lunge and land, feet do not shift or waver. The back foot stays planted and the front foot steps forward. -no hesitation, the blade doesn't go off target, and the lunge is completed swiftly
The student shows no attempt to execute a proper lunge or shows extremely poor completion. -hardly any proper footwork -arm is not straight out and full reach isn't utilized -the lunge is not steady at the foot lands weirdly and does not stay in one position. The back foot may move or the leading foot might turn or look awkward. -lots of hesitation, and the blade may not be on target, and completion is slow and inadequate
The student shows a better, more developing sense of the lunge but still makes quite a few mistakes. -footwork is sometimes proper but usually inaccurate -arm my have better reach but is turned an improper way and therefore reach is minimized -the lunge is a bit more steady and the foot wavers a bit but eventually is grounded. The leading foot steps forward but the back foot might quiver or move frequently. -less hesitation but the lunge is still slow and the target is missed usually
The student shows a great understanding and execution of a lunge with few mistakes. -footwork is almost always proper -arm is straight out most of the time with great reach; sometimes reach is minimized by improper arm position -the lunge is very steady and rarely does the student waver. The back foot hardly quivers or moves and the leading foot steps forward with expertise and accuracy
The student displays an excellent, expert understanding and displays flawless lunges almost always. Mistakes are rare and corrected without direction. -proper footwork always -arm is straight out always, and reach is used to full capacity -an extremely accurate lunge with no mistakes. The back foot is firmly planted and the leading foot shows swiftness and power. -no hesitation ever and the student is aggressive and controlling of his or her blade, almost always hitting the target. The lunge is completed quite fast and gives no time for the opponent to attack easily
Step-lunge -proper footwork, and the front leg always steps before the back leg -arm reach is fully extended -when the step-lunge is performed, the student steps forward with the front leg first, then the back leg. Quickly, the fencer lunges thrusting his or her arm back and exploding forward with a powerful step. -Essentially, the step should be to close in on the opponent and to gain momentum before the lunge is performed
The student shows no attempt at the step-lunge or cannot complete it properly. -footwork is improper, the back leg my step before the front leg or the student may lose control and trip -arm reach is not properly extended -the student doesn't step properly and then lunge with an explosive force. They may mix up motions frequently and hesitate
The student shows a developing or adequate step-lunge but still makes several mistakes. -footwork is sometimes improper, and actions and advances may be mixed up. The student might trip or lose balance. -arm reach is extended more but there may be a slight bend -The student may advance properly with front foot first, then back foot, but the explosive lunge may be too weak or they may lose balance altogether
The student exhibits a good execution of the step-lunge with few mistakes. -footwork is generally proper and in the right order but the student might land with quivery footing once and a while or show slight hesitation -arm reach is almost always extended except sometimes where it is corrected without direction -the student advances correctly and bursts forward with high momentum but may be inaccurate sometimes or lacking in power slightly
The student exhibits a wonderful step-lunge with ease and rare mistakes. -footwork is always proper, accurate and ready -arm reach is always extended to the full capability -the advances are proper and great in momentum, which propels the student forward to their explosive, powerful lunge that is accurate and expert

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