Tennis Forehand Assessment
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
TSWBAT perform a forehand stroke using the correct technique during a real game situation in class using these cues: - Handshake grip - Non-dominate foot forward - Shoulders square over hips - Eye on ball - Racquet starts at 6 o clock moves to 12 o clock - Smooth/level stroke - Follow through with back leg moving forward to ready stance
Student is not able to perform a forehand shot.
Student accomplishes the forehand stroke using the cues of: -Handshake grip -Non-dominate foot forward -Shoulders square over hips -Eye on ball -Racquet starts at 6 o clock moves to 12 o clock
Student accomplishes the forehand stroke using the cues of: -Handshake grip -Non-dominate foot forward -Shoulders square over hips -Eye on ball -Racquet starts at 6 o clock moves to 12 o clock -Smooth/level stroke -Follow through with back leg moving forward to ready stance
Student masters the forehand smoothly from start to finish without effort and conscious thought. There is a pinpoint accuracy on all return shots to opponent.
TSWBAT perform a backhand stroke using the correct technique during a real game situation in class using these cues: -Handshake grip -Dominant foot forward -Shoulders square over hips -Eye on ball -6 to 12 swing -Smooth/level stroke -Follow through with back leg moving forward to ready stance
Student is not able to perform a backhand shot.
Student accomplishes the backhand stroke using the cues of: -Handshake grip -Non-dominate foot forward -Shoulders square over hips -Eye on ball -Racquet starts at 6 o clock moves to 12 o clock
The student accomplishes the backhand stroke using the cues of: -Handshake grip -Dominant foot forward -Shoulders square over hips -Eye on ball -6 to 12 swing -Smooth/level stroke -Follow through with back leg moving forward to ready stance
Student masters the backhand smoothly from start to finish without effort and conscious thought. There is a pinpoint accuracy on all return shots to opponent.
TSWBAT perform a legal serve to the correct court area during a real game situation in class while using these cues: - Target crosscourt square - Body turned towards 2 or 10 o clock - Feet in split stance - Toss ball straight up and down 2 feet above head - Back scratch, statue of liberty, fly swatter - Ready stance
Student is not able to perform a serve
The student accomplishes the serve using the cues of: -Target crosscourt square -Body turned towards 2 or 10 o clock -Feet in split stance -Back scratch, statue of liberty, fly swatter
The student accomplishes the serve using the cues of: -Target crosscourt square -Body turned towards 2 or 10 o clock -Feet in split stance -Toss ball straight up and down 2 feet above head -Back scratch, statue of liberty, fly swatter -Ready stance
Student masters the serve smoothly from start to finish without effort and conscious thought. There is a pinpoint accuracy on all return shots to opponent.

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