Unique Bowling Techniques
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Originality of the bowling technique.
Students come up with a commonly used bowling technique.
Students slightly alter a commonly used bowling technique.
Students put their own spin on a professional trick shot.
Students come up with a technique never seen before.
Each student can perform the created technique.
Only one student is able to perform the new technique.
Two students are able to perform the new technique.
Three students are able to perform the new technique.
All four students are able to perform the new technique.
The bowling technique is safe and does not damage the bowling lane.
Students put their safety or the safety of those around them in jeopardy.
There was the potential of damaging the bowling lane.
The students new bowling technique is safe.
There is no way that the students new bowling technique could hurt them or anybody around them.
Students will construct and perform their new bowling technique in 40 minutes.
Students did not complete the assignment in one class period.
Students took longer than 40 minutes to plan and execute their new bowling technique.
Students took 40 minutes to plan and execute their new bowling technique.
Students took less than 40 minutes to plan and execute their new bowling technique.
Students must demonstrate proper etiquette while coming up with and performing their new bowling technique.
Students had a blatant disregard for proper bowling etiquette.
Students were inconsistent with their bowling etiquette.
Students used proper bowling etiquette consistently, with the exception of two times.
Students used proper bowling etiquette during the creation and performance of their new bowling technique.

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