Cake Decorating
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Preparation 65 points
1-17 points Students didn't practiced and we didn't have any personal knowledge on the topics.
18-34 points Students practiced techniques once and had little knowledge on the topics.
35-45 points Students practiced techniques a fair amount and knew a good amount on the topics they were speaking about.
46-65 points Student practiced the techniques many times and knew a large amount about all the topics being spoke about.
Performance 25 points
1-5 point Students do not have a script, they have major pauses, and you can not understand them during performance
6-10 points Students have a hand written script, they have large pauses, makes little eye contact,and you can hear them sometimes in the presentation
11-15 points Student has a typed script, makes some eye contact, they have multiple small pauses, and you can hear them almost the whole time
16-20 points Students have typed script, makes good eye contact, few small pauses, and you can hear them the whole time
Creativity and Neatness 20 points
1-5 points Project is not neat or creative at all
6-10 points Project is somewhat neat and barely creative
11-15 points Project is neat, but lacking some creativity
16-20 points Project is neat, well prepared, and creative
Presentation 15 points
1-3 points Students are not organized and are reading of script constantly
4-8 points Students are a little organized, but still is reading off the script constantly
9-11 points Student are organized has some of the script memorized
12-15 points Students are well organized and has a fair amount memorized

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