Careers Catalog Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Knowledge and Understanding
-identifies careers in food and nutrition science with limited effectiveness
-identifies careers in food and nutrition science with some effectiveness
-identifies careers in food and nutrition science with considerable effectiveness
-identifies careers in food and nutrition science with a high degree of effectiveness
Thinking and Inquiry
-places food science careers in categories with limited logic and reasoning
-places food science careers in categories with some logic and reasoning
-places food science careers in categories with considerable logic and reasoning
-places food science careers in categories with a high degree of logic and reasoning
-links careers in food science to food security with limited effectiveness
-links careers in food science to food security with some effectiveness
-links careers in food science to food security with considerable effectiveness
-links careers in food science to food security with a high degree of effectiveness
-careers catalogue is put together with limited efficiency and there are numerous spelling and grammatical errors -catalogue is limited in attractiveness and creativity
-careers catalogue is put together with some efficiency and there are some spelling and grammatical errors -catalogue is fairly attractive and creative
-careers catalogue is put together with considerable efficiency and there are limited spelling and grammatical errors -catalogue is considerably attractive and creative
-careers catalogue is put together with a high degree of efficiency and there are no spelling and grammatical errors -catalogue displays a high degree of attractiveness and creativity

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